Tuesday, 29 March 2011

In threes: a baby cardigan

I love this pattern. Made with Pixie Knits yarn.

These aren't the permanent buttons, I have some handmade ones on order. I'm just inpatient to show you all the finished article :P


Sunday, 27 March 2011

Rheya's Summer Dress

I'm always promising to make things for Rheya and more often than not, I never get around to them. Do I've promised myself that I'm going to make a couple of things for Rheya before I make anything else, so last night I made this summer dress.

Rheya's summer dress

The pattern is from a book my good friend Steph bought me for my Birthday. It's called "Small stash sewing, 24 Projects Using Designer Fat Quarters" by Melissa Averinos

I also have a sleeveless cardigan on the needles to go with this lovely. :)

Action shots I heard you ask?

I love it! I think it really suits her, and best of all SHE loves it :D


This face is because she was dancing about and I told her to stand still. 

because before it she was doing this

Summer dress

and this
Summer dress

and this
Summer dress

Not much of a poser my daughter haha

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Lantern Bag

I've finally finished the lantern bag that me friend Katie sent me the pattern for, many many moons ago. I'd even started cutting it out (before Anara was even conceived) then got side tracked.

Anyway here it is. 

Mum's Mother's Day present by Rhythm EG, on Flickr

Mum's Mother's Day present by Rhythm EG, on Flickr

Perfect for my knitting :lol: (Not really, it's for my Mum)
Mum's Mother's Day present by Rhythm EG, on Flickr

It's a lot smaller than I thought it was gonna be :?  Maybe I should've made the large version. 
Mum's Mother's Day present by Rhythm EG, on Flickr

Friday, 18 March 2011

Kimono cardigan

I've made this for Anara. I made the biggest size (2-3yrs) and it fits great. It's lovely and soft too :) This is the first time I've made anything other than longies from real wool. 




It's a 3/4 length sleeve and short body (purposefully) 


It's near impossible to get a decent picture of a child. I don't know how the professionals do it! 

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Finished touches

I put the finishing touches on the Easter baskets I've made. Feather tails! 



Friday, 11 March 2011

More Easter makes

I'm in a really crafty mood atm. 

Last night I remelted the egg I ruined and did the mould again, but this time I popped it in the freezer overnight. This morning I glued the 2 pieces together. It wasn't bad, but not perfect, I'll have to try again, another day. I guess I don't HAVE to glue them together at all and just wrap them in foil, but that cuts out the fun of smashing them open.

Here's how it came out 
the pack my Nanna gave me even came with foil! How cool! 

After lunch I smashed it open for the girls 

They're not actual mini eggs, they are mini-mini eggs. 

Later,  I made this for Anara. 


Again it needs feathers for the tail. 

Easter makes

I made this egg basket for Rheya (I'm gonna make Anara one too) I just need to finish it with some feathers for it's tail


I had a go at making my own Easter eggs...they turned out great, but then melted in my hands when I tried to glue the 2 halves together

I was going to put these in the middle 

I remelted the chocolate and did it again. Then I've put it in the freezer in the hope that I'll have more time to handle the 2 halves to get them glued together...wish me luck!