Wednesday, 29 February 2012

WIP Wednesday: Still with the doll

I'm still making very slow progress on the knitted doll. There isn't much point in another progress picture since it's not very interesting right now. My daughter is nagging me daily to finish it, but I seem to have lost my knitting mojo...hopefully it will come back soon.

In other knitty news, I went to visit the Donna Wilson exhibition at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park on Sunday. It was the last day of the exhibition, so for anyone local that is hoping to see it, I'm afraid it's gone :(

I took some pictures so not all is lost.

The exhibition was called 'Endangered species' and was a knitted forest with a variety of knitted animals scattered around. My children were very taken with the exhibition and wanted Mummy to buy them various different animals. I myself, wanted a tree to hug :)



The detail is just amazing!





I feel inspired to have a go at knitting some animals for my girls now. Just need my mojo back.

For better WIP's than mine, visit Tami's Amis blog

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

WIP Wednesday: Dolly cont...

 I'm still plugging away with the doll . Much to my daughters annoyance, I haven't done much knitting this week...she REALLY wants the doll. 

I'm about 1/4 the way through the head, the body is done (the knitting side anyway)


In the meantime my 2 year old did a bit of crafting of her own...

...on my bedroom TV! 


I couldn't help but be impressed with her drawing skills, that's the first time she's drawn something other than a scribble...shame it was at the expense of my television. 

For more wonderful WIPs, check out Tami's Amis

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

WIP Wednesday: Dolly

I've had a bit of a knitters block this week. The bag I was making ran out of wool so I had to frog it (hand dyed wool, so it's not like I could just order some more) I've decided to use that delicious wool for my next project. 

My next project is a doll pattern that cost me my Mum a fortune! It's a pattern I saw at the knitting and stitch show a few years back. I loved it but didn't buy it because I felt it was a little overpriced. When I got home I regretted not buying it and scoured the net trying to find it. I did find the company (who are based in Australia from what I remember) and they didn't respond to my email, so I decided to wait until the next knitting and stitch show. 

To cut an already long story short, I couldn't find it at the show the subsequent years, but thankfully stocked it one year and it happened to be near my Birthday so my Mum bought me it as a gift. 

Only now have I decided to give it a try. 

The pattern is Hand made dolls and accessories by ak traditions. Aren't they just gorgeous! I can't wait to finish eldest has already claimed it and yesterday demanded that I get knitting (I don't knit when my children are awake)


I've finished the front, I'm now working on the back. The pattern is really easy and would be great for a beginner that wanted to make something that looks amazing at the end. 

That's it on the WIP front. If you'd like to see more WIP's head on over to Tami's Amis

Friday, 10 February 2012

FO Friday: Deux gloves and Febru-hairy Day

Oh the joy of toasty warm fingers, it's a shame I'm such a clutz and snagged them twice the first day I wore them and then got them filthy because my car desperately needs a good clean. Oh well, they were never meant to be "for best"

Gloves are surprisingly hard to photograph, especially when the photographer is ordered to keep me out of the picture. 



In un-yarn related craftiness, I'd love to show you what I did to my daughters hair this morning. Her school is having a Febru-Hairy day to raise money for Charity. Children were encouraged to do something crazy with their hair. I got the basic idea from Pinterest. I did try this method but my daughters hair is far too soft to hold it's shape and I didn't have any hairspray to hand so I made up my own version. 

It's in honour of Valentine's Day next week


If anyone would like a tutorial, just shout, but I'm sure most of you can work it out from the picture. 

For more finished items, head on over to Tami's Amis, Wisdom begins in wonder and Natural Suburbia

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

WIP Wednesday: Knitted bag

Always late to the party eh?

As you can see my gloves are no longer a work in progress. Yes I finished them yesterday but you'll have to wait until Friday to see them :P. 

This morning I didn't have a WIP to show you, but then this afternoon I remembered that I wanted to make the clutch bag that was featured in  issue 38 of Simply Knitting. I had some gorgeous left over yarn from a previous project so decided to cast that on. It's a really simple pattern so I've done over 1/4 of it already. 

Apologies for the rubbish picture. The yarn is very rolly (that's a word right) so I had to weigh it down with things I had to hand. 


and to show you the colours a little better (again sorry for the "weights")

For more WIP's head on over to Tami's Amis

Friday, 3 February 2012

FO Friday: Uno glove

Not a true finished item since it's only one of a pair, but it's finished all the same. 

It's freezing today and I'm actually contemplating taking my one solitary glove and alternating it between my hands to keep them intermittently warm. Yesterday, on my short walk to playgroup, my fingers got so cold that they physically hurt. 

My husband has lent me his giant fleece gloves for the school run today and I'm not exaggerating when I say the pinkie is about 2 inches too long on me, but needs must. It's a great incentive to come home and start knitting. I wonder if the small one will let me? 




For more finished items, head on over to Tami's Amis