Sunday, 29 April 2012


I've mainly kept my photography in line with my other crafts, but since I consider photography a craft in itself, I thought I'd share some of the pictures I've taken over the years.

Ballerina Party

Ballerina Party

Ballerina Party

Ballerina Party

Not the best quality because it was taken on my iphone 4s, but I love the framing of this shot

Photo challenge

Cannon Hall

Cannon Hall

Chester Zoo

Chester Zoo






I've got loads more that I'm proud of, but I'll make another post for those.

Friday, 27 April 2012

FO Friday: Two dresses and a hint of boob

First of all I would like to thank everyone for their lovely comments over the past week. I'm sorry I've not had chance to reply to everyone, I've struggled to find the time to blog this week, often publishing my blog posts later than I would've liked, but alas, I'm here and reading.

This weeks FO has made a few eyebrows rise. I assure you I haven't gone mad. I have a friend who works in Breastfeeding support and she asked if I would be able to make her a boob for training purposes. It just so happened that the lovely Sarah from Crafts from the Cwtch had written such a pattern, so I agreed.

 Knitted boob

I also whipped up a couple of dresses for my youngest daughter and her friend. They're having a joint Birthday playdate in a couple of weeks and the theme is Strawberries. They're going to look so cute! 

Strawberry Dresses

For more finished objects check out Tami's Amis and Creative Friday

I will try to get back and write a post for the knitting and crochet blog week.

Thursday, 26 April 2012

A Knitter or Crocheter For All Seasons? 3KCBWDAY4

That's an interesting question and something I've never given any thought to. I just make the things I want to make, but looking at my projects over the years, the season definitely influences what I make. It even influences the colours I choose.





Knitting/crocheting is definitely an all year round hobby for me. Although knitting and crochet isn't my only craft and I do tend to do more sewing in Spring/Summer than I do in Autumn/Winter, but that's more because I've yet to venture into the world of knit fabrics. I hope to remedy that this year. 

If you'd like to see other posts on this subject google 3KCBWDAY4

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

WIP Wednesday: Boob!!!

Did I make it? Is it still Wednesday?

I've been so busy these past few days. Our car died and it's brought with it a few problems, but alas, I'm not here to talk about my life woes...let's see what crafty things I've been up to.

My Little Sister dress has made such little progress that it wasn't even worth my time photographing it, it still looks like this and I'm still reading the Jodi Picoult book.
Little Sister's Dress

I did start another project, because 4 WIP's obviously isn't enough :/

A friend of mine is a La Leche League leader and asked me if I could knit her a boob for training...Of course I can!!! :D

For more WIP's please visit Tami's Amis and Ginny's Yarn Along

My Knitting Or Crochet Hero - 3KCBWDAY3

This one's's this lady here

My Nanna

She taught me to knit when I was 7 years old. I doubt very much I would be here writing this post, had it not been for her patience and perseverance. She picked up many a dropped stitch, showed me how to knit and purl many many times and without an ounce of impatience.

Unfortunately she didn't teach me to crochet, that was all me and youtube. I remember asking her to teach me to crochet when I was a child. I was taking ballet lessons and I really wanted one of those crocheted bun nets, when she told me she didn't know how to crochet, I think I replied "Eh? but you're old! All old people know how to crochet!" I searched for years for someone to teach me. In 2007 I finally decided to teach myself...once I'd mastered it, all the crocheters started coming out of their hiding places.

My Nanna might not have been able to crochet herself, but her mother (my Great Grandmother) did, and my Nanna very kindly passed down all my Great Grandmothers crochet hooks. I feel so honoured to have these, I daren't use them, I just occasionally get them out and admire them.


I tried to repay the favour by attempting to teach my Nanna to crochet, but we didn't get very far. In fact I must remedy that and try again. 

For more knitting/crochet heroes, type 3KCBWDAY3 into google. 

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Photography Challenge Day! 3KCBWDAY2

Photography is a subject very close to my heart. It's a passion of mine and something I do every single day. 

A photograph can capture a moment in time, tell a story or be a work of art. It can capture mood, emotion, speed, heat, the possibilities are endless.  

I wanted to get out and do this subject justice, unfortunately my car took a turn for the worst and I am essentially stranded. I might change these at a later date when my car is well again.

Photo challenge

and I couldn't resist taking advantage of my daughter's crafty skills and using her nest in a picture

Photo challenge

To view more post from the photo challenge type 3KCBWDAY2 into google.